Elizabeth A Narverud P.A., REALTOR ® - Real Estate Agent

- Phone: 352.234.4567 Mobile
- Phone: 352.279.7284 Office
- Website: Www.Home-LandFlorida.com
- Brokerage Website: floridahomeland.com
- Facebook: My Facebook Page
- Twitter: My Twitter Page
- Pinterest Page: Pinterest-site-verification=41dc741174f387c3ed4c30236ad53543
- Counties Serviced: Citrus, Hernando, Hillsborough, Levy, Marion, Pasco, Pinellas, Sumter
- I am a Licensed Real Estate Agent with unique expertise in our local marketplace. I am committed to helping you buy or sell your home, land, or commercial property. Whether you're looking for a location to build your dream home, land for investment purposes, or a business to purchase, it will be my pleasure to guide you in taking the next steps on your journey.
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132 Hillshire Place
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21026 Moreland Drive
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0 Cortez Boulevard
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6387 Plantation Road
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18311 Arbor Crest Drive